Results for 'Olatunji A. Shobande'

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  1.  53
    A Contribution to Sustainable Human Resource Development in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej, Sakshi Malik, Olatunji A. Shobande, Sanjeet Singh & Vishal Dagar - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 191 (2):337-355.
    This examines the six drivers and twelve detailed practices of sustainable human resource development (S-HRD) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic across different organizations in Poland. The empirical strategy is based on explorative research conducted using surveys in Poland between 2020 and 2021. The results confirm that the surveyed organizations implemented S-HRD practices driven mainly by the expectations of external stakeholders. They neglected the areas of caring for employees’ well-being and developing environmental awareness before the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, (...)
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    Disgust and its disorders.Bunmi O. Olatunji & Dean McKay (eds.) - 2009 - American Psychological Association.
    "Disgust and Its Disorders: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment Implications thoughtfully examines the role of disgust in psychopathology by highlighting important theoretical and methodological developments and discussing recent research on behavioral patterns that can be provoked by disgust. Contributors demonstrate that disgust plays an important role in a wide range of psychopathology, including sexual dysfunction, eating disorders, animal phobias, and obsessive - compulsive disorder. Disgust is shown to be a multidimensional construct that centers on the unifying theme of potential contamination of (...)
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    African Identity, Cultural Knowledge and the Imperative of Endogenous Development for Africa.Felix O. Olatunji - 2020 - Culture and Dialogue 8 (1):5-22.
    The search for knowledge is a fact of any human society in the quest for development, as it is in the nature of human species to do so. This is geared towards humanisation of the society in the attainment of positive social change, which cannot be realised without adequate and informed knowledge from the culture of the people. This form of knowledge is seen from the identity of the people, focusing on the social change of their society. The creation of (...)
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    Plato’s idea’s of knowledge and training of the guardians in the Quest for democratic ideology in the global south.Felix Olatunji - 2022 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 27:119-134.
    The quest for what constitutes knowledge and the authentic means of attaining it have been a subject of intense philosophical speculations from time immemorial. This is to say that the discourse about theory of knowledge had stated from the ancient era in philosophical parlance. Knowledge, in turn, is a co-efficient of social order, democratic ideology and development, which implies that for there to be any form of tranquility and peace in any society at all; its leaders must necessarily have the (...)
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    University Education and the Challenges of Development in African Society.Felix O. Olatunji - 2015 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):53-64.
    The importance of education can never be under-played in any society as it is the most potent weapon left to man in order to transform, change and liberate himself and the society from the slavery of ignorance and backwardness. This is done in order to attain rapid development in all ramifications. The epistemic foundation for the establishment of higher institutions has been devoted to the production of knowledge and cultural reproduction through the ages. It should be known from the outset (...)
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    Sense of Community and its Sustenance in Africa.Olatunji Oyeshile - 2007 - Human Affairs 17 (2):230-240.
    Sense of Community and its Sustenance in Africa There is no gainsaying the fact that Africa is inundated with many problems which have made the development and the attainment of social order, conceived in normative terms, daunting tasks. It is also a fact that there are many causes of this scenario such as political marginalization, ethnic chauvinism, economic mismanagement, religious bigotry and corruption in its various facets. However, in this disquisition we identify the lack of the development, internalization and application (...)
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    Yoruba Philosophy of Existence, Iwa (Character) and Contemporary Socio-political Order.Olatunji Oyeshile - 2021 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):1-18.
    What roles does Iwa [character in Yoruba belief] play in Yoruba philosophy of existence, and how can these roles help provide a solution to challenges of contemporary socio-political order, not only in Africa but also across the globe? Both are the daunting questions this paper sets out to examine. The foundation of Yoruba philosophy of existence is predicated mainly on the moral pivot called iwa. It is on iwa, which has both ontological and ethical etymologies that the meaning of life (...)
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    Philosopher in the market square: Probing the statement ‘I was misled’.Cyril-Mary Pius Olatunji & Mojalefa L. J. Koenane - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (2):119-129.
    Traditionally, such a statement as ‘I was misled’ is intended to be taken seriously by the addressee and considered an expression of the true state of affairs. Unfortunately, the statement has many logical implications that often go unnoticed by both the one who utters it and the addressee. The paper critically explores the instrumentality of logical and epistemological analyses in its attempt to lay bare the implications of the statement being true and of entertaining the underlying belief in the first (...)
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    Philosophical Rumination on Gelede: an Ultra-Spectacle Performance.Cyril-Mary Pius Olatunji & Mojalefa L. J. Koenane - 2016 - Cultura 13 (2):43-51.
    Gelede is a typical Yoruba concept which has evolved into a traditional form of musical performance with its influence has transcend its traditional abode in the Yoruba communities of Nigeria and West Africa to Latin Americas, parts of Europe, Australia and the Black world at large. It also evolves beyond mere localized performance in which members of a community gathered in the town squares, market squares or the typical under the tree arrangements to a wider scale in all aspects of (...)
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  10.  18
    (1 other version)Qualified objection to Ani’s qualified acceptance of Wiredu’s notion of consensus democracy in Africa.Cyril-Mary Pius Olatunji & Mojalefa L. J. Koenane - 2020 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 9 (2):57-76.
    This essay offers a critical review of Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani’s article ‘On agreed action without agreed notions.’ Ani’s paper makes a critique of Kwasi Wiredu’s consensual democracy to the conclusion that though desirable, left the way it is, the model of consensus on which the idea of Wiredu’s non-party democracy was founded is itself admirable but defective and, therefore, calls for further enhancements. While not suggesting that Wiredu’s idea is perfect, this paper provides some objections to Ani’s view without necessarily (...)
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  11.  24
    Is it the end or just the beginning of ubuntu? Response to Matolino and Kwindingwi in view of Metz’s rebuttal.Mojalefa L. J. Koenane & Cyril-Mary Pius Olatunji - 2017 - South African Journal of Philosophy 36 (2):263-277.
    In this article we offer a critical review of Matolino and Kwindingwi’s article “The end of ubuntu” in which they put forward their view, based on conditions in contemporary South Africa, that the philosophy of ubuntu is dead. In the main, we intend to uphold what we believe is the more plausible argument, as suggested by the title of Metz’s paper, “Just the beginning of ubuntu”. We argue that Matolino and Kwindingwi’s arrival at the conclusion that ubuntu is over is (...)
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  12.  38
    Attentional bias differences between fear and disgust: Implications for the role of disgust in disgust-related anxiety disorders.Josh M. Cisler, Bunmi O. Olatunji, Jeffrey M. Lohr & Nathan L. Williams - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (4):675-687.
    Research demonstrates a relation between disgust and anxiety-related pathology; however, research has yet to reveal mechanisms by which disgust may contribute to anxiety. The current experiment examined attentional bias characteristics as one route by which disgust influences anxiety. Eighty undergraduate participants completed a rapid serial visual presentation attention task using fear, disgust, or neutral target stimuli. Task-relevance of the target's presentation was also manipulated. Results revealed that task-relevant disgust targets impaired attention among all participants, but task-irrelevant disgust targets impaired attention (...)
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  13.  19
    Editorial: Of the Philosophies of Africa – Theory and Practice.Gerald Cipriani & Felix O. Olatunji - 2020 - Culture and Dialogue 8 (1):1-4.
    The overall concern of this issue is not really to question whether there is such a thing as “African philosophy.” Any question concerning “African philosophy,” i.e. a specifically pan-African discipline with its own methods and forms, is partly different from that of “African thought” in general, for the latter includes not only processes of consciousness that reflect on the natural and human fields, but also practices whose very nature is to create or express specific cultural textures. The choice of “African (...)
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    The Challenge of Moral Devaluation in Africa.Babatunde Olatunji Oni - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (3):107-114.
    This paper delves into the complex phenomenon of moral devaluation in the African context, seeking to unravel its underlying causes and implications for society. Africa, with its rich cultural diversity and historical legacies, presents a unique backdrop for exploring the dynamics of moral values. It is however noted that moral devaluation refers to the erosion or decline of ethical standards and values within a society, and which has become increasingly pertinent in the African context. This paper critically examines the multifaceted (...)
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    Democratic theories and the problem of political participation in Nigeria: Strengthening consensus and the rule of law.Philip Ujomu & Felix Olatunji - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (1):120-135.
    This paper addresses the problem of the strategies and theories of democratic participation in Nigeria that breed institutional marginality and bad governance due to shortfalls in pursuing the values of justice and empowerment as core democratic characteristics. The same democratic principles such as voting, parliament, constitution, judiciary, that are suggestive of gains such as responsible use, and peaceful transfer of power may not have translated fully into sociopolitical empowerment for responsibility and representation in evolving democratic practice in Nigeria due to (...)
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  16. Cultural Identities in Africa and the Challenges of a Borderless World.Felix O. Olatunji - 2012 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 5 (2):87-106.
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    The Idea of African Philosophy: A Critical Study of the Major Orientations in Contemporary African Philosophy, written by Olusegun Oladipo.Felix O. Olatunji & Philip Ogochukwu Ujomu - 2020 - Culture and Dialogue 8 (1):177-181.
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    Ideological justice or the justice of ideologies in the Quest for social order in Africa: A philosophical critique.Felix Sanjo Olatunji & Prof Philip Ujomu - 2014 - Synesis 6 (1):177-204.
    Existing philosophies of justice have failed to challenge and overcome the peculiar African crisis of development. The contract model of justice assumed that there would be justice when people acting as rational agents accepted basic practices of society that would assure their mutual advantage in the long run, this has not really worked in the development practice in many parts of the world, due to the nullifying effects of Kleptocracy, patrimonialism, institutional decay, antinomies and apathy, precipitation of primordial ethno-cultural enclaves (...)
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  19.  24
    Democratic Elements in Traditional Yoruba Society as a Basis for the Culture of Democracy in Africa and the Global Social Order.Olatunji Alabi Oyeshile - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (2):67-83.
    The paper examines democratic concepts or elements in traditional Yoruba society and their implications for the culture of democracy in Africa and the social order at the global level. One of the major problems confronting African states is the problem of governance. Political crises have metamorphosed into problems of ethnic conflict, war, corruption, economic stagnation, social disorder and paucity of sustainable development in Africa and these crises have also resulted in global disequilibrium. This paper revisits traditional Yoruba society, with a (...)
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  20. Morality and Philanthropy: A Discourse.Felix O. Olatunji - 2012 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 5 (1):101-128.
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  21.  12
    The Quest for a New Order: A Re-Negotiation for Stability in Africa.Felix Olatunji - 2013 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):115-130.
    This paper is based on my understanding and analysis of a number of ideas related with the body with the sole intention of over viewing the diverse understanding of the body and its functioning. Buddhaghosa’s understanding of the body seems to be negative to many. I have viewed the body from the perspective of Buddhaghosa within his work The Path of Purification. Buddhaghosa points out the reality of the body and its underlying foulness and the human tendency to camouflage its (...)
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    Ideological justice or the justice of ideologies in the quest for social order in Africa: a philosophical critique.Philip Ogo Ujomu & Felix O. Olatunji - 2014 - Synesis 6 (1):177-204.
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  23.  51
    The value of human life and a philosophy of national security for nigeria: Some theoretical issues.Philip Ogo Ujomu & Felix O. Olatunji - 2013 - Annales Philosophici 6.
  24.  44
    A Philosophical Comparison of John 1:1-18 and the Yoruba Concept of ÒrÒ.Cyril-Mary P. Olatunji & Olugbenga O. Alabi - 2014 - Cultura 11 (1):99-112.
    The concept of ÒrÒ among the Yoruba people in Nigeria has a lot in common with the biblical concept of Λoγos. This paper explores Λoγos as derived from Greek Logos translated as Word into English, and its parallelisms with ÒrÒ a fêted concept among the Yoruba. The paper provides evidence that both conceptsare related to exoteric functions within their distinct cultural communities. Finally, the paper opens these issues to the possibilities of cross-cultural research and semiotics.
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    (1 other version)A philosophical critique of Ignocentric search for political Messiah in Nigeria.Cyril-Mary Pius Olatunji - 2015 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 4 (2):46-67.
    Many of the philosophers of African politics who have argued that the political challenges of Nigeria, and of Africa as a whole are as a result of the impunity and corruption of post-independence Nigeria leaders also give the impression that the people of Nigeria are mere innocent victims because in their arguments all the ills of the Nigerian state exist only because the country have not experienced or discovered an honest and capable political leader. The scholars argue to the effect (...)
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  26.  64
    Emotion regulation of fear and disgust: differential effects of reappraisal and suppression.Bunmi O. Olatunji, Hannah E. Berg & Zidong Zhao - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
  27.  17
    Afrika'nın Sosyal Değişim Sorunu, Egemen Sosyal Paradigmalar ve Barış ve Gelişim İçin Ana Değerler.Felix Olusanjo Olatunji & & Philip Ogo Ujomu - 2014 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):29.
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    Changes in valence, coordination and reactivity that occur upon oxidation of fresh metal surfaces.Olayinka Olatunji-Ojo & Christopher D. Taylor - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (34):4286-4310.
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    Selective effects of excessive engagement in health-related behaviours on disgust propensity.Bunmi O. Olatunji - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (5):882-899.
  30.  47
    The emotional attentional blink: what we know so far.Maureen McHugo, Bunmi O. Olatunji & David H. Zald - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The moderating effects of contamination sensitivity on state affect and information processing: Examination of disgust specificity.Thomas Armstrong, Andrew J. Tomarken & Bunmi O. Olatunji - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):136-143.
  32.  22
    Is disgust sensitive to classical conditioning as indexed by facial electromyography and behavioural responses?Charmaine Borg, Renske C. Bosman, Iris Engelhard, Bunmi O. Olatunji & Peter J. de Jong - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (4).
  33.  47
    Index of Names Abbarno, J., 122n, 128 Abetti, G., 184n, 202 Achterhuis, H., 37.R. Ackermann, G. Aichholzer, J. Alexander, T. J. Allen, H. Arendt, J. M. Atienza & Atting Tw - 2005 - In Wenceslao J. González, Science, technology and society: a philosophical perspective. [Spain]: Netbiblo.
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    The Resistance of Beauty.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2016 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):235-249.
    In this article I address Schiller’s first response in his Kallias Briefe or Concerning the Beautiful, Letters to Gottfried Körner to Kant’s analysis of the beautiful in the first part of the Critique of Judgment. My main intention in the paper is to investigate Schiller’s emphasis on the notion of resistance (Widerstand) in his reading of Kant’s concept of beauty, and to ask how does this relate to Schiller’s own approach to aesthetics as an ethico-political realm. I am particularly interested (...)
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  35.  39
    Great Books, Democracy, and Truth.Mortimer Adler - 1988 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 19 (3&4):290-302.
  36. Growth, Distribution and Inclusiveness: Reflections on India's Experience.Montek Ahluwalia - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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  37. Feminist futures.Sara Ahmed - 2003 - In Mary Eagleton, A concise companion to feminist theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  38.  23
    The Hidden and Null Curriculums: An Experiment in Collective Educational Biography.Suzette Ahwee, Lina Chiappone, Peggy Cuevas, Frank Galloway, Juliet Hart, Jennifer Lones, Adriana L. Medina, Rita Menendez, Paola Pilonieta & Eugene F. Provenzo Jr - forthcoming - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc.
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    Xenophanes the High Rationalist: The Case of F1:17-8.Scott F. Aikin - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (1):1-14.
    Scholarship on Xenophanes’s F1 has had two foci, one on the rules of the symposium and the other on the religious program posed at its close. Thus far, the two areas of focus have been treated as either separate issues or as the religious program proposed in the service of the sympotic objectives. Instead, I will argue that the sympotic norms Xenophanes espouses are in the service of the broader program of rational theology.
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  40. Deği̇sen dünyada bi̇li̇m ve değerler.ProjİDr Bedia Akarsu - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ, Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 213.
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    Kartografija šiuolaikinėje civilizacinėje vaizduotėje ir geopolitikoje Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas apie Kūrimą. 15 klausimas. Apie idėjas. 1–3 artikulai. [REVIEW]Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - 2023 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 114.
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    Svarstyti klausimai apie tiesą. Klausimas XIV.Trečias artikulas. Ar tikėjimas yra dorybė.Tomas Akvinietis - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 99.
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    Svarstyti klausimai apie sinderezę. Klausimas 16, 1–3 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - 2022 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 110.
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    Suma prieš pagonis. Trečioji knyga. Apvaizda. 140 - 146 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 92:120-130.
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    Suma prieš pagonis. Trečioji knyga. Apvaizda. 147–150 skyriai.Tomas Akvinietis - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 93:142-148.
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    (5 other versions)Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas apie Kūrimą. 16 klausimas. Apie tiesą. 5–8 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas „Apie vieną Dievą“19 klausimas: „Apie Dievo valią“. 1–6 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas „Apie vieną Dievą“19 klausimas: „Apie Dievo valią“. 7 - 12 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    4 The Frames of Truth and Reference.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 61-103.
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    5. Relations between the Manuscripts.H. G. Alexander Aphrodisiensis - 2008 - In Alexander Aphrodisiensis, "de Anima Libri Mantissa": A New Edition of the Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary. De Gruyter. pp. 15-22.
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